It is our collective belief that for every dollar spent on gang prevention beginning in Kinder through 6th grade, society will receive that dollar back and more! A teen gang member cost over $100,000 a year to incarcerate. There is no economic return to society.
In a 2019 published study completed by Californian Lutheran University , we see a dramatic decline of 34.8% in the total number of gang members in Thousand Oaks. This includes a significant drop in the members of both rival gangs: a 23.8% decrease in one of the two gangs and a 48% decrease in the other gang. This downward trend parallels
In a 2019 published study completed by Californian Lutheran University , we see a dramatic decline of 34.8% in the total number of gang members in Thousand Oaks. This includes a significant drop in the members of both rival gangs: a 23.8% decrease in one of the two gangs and a 48% decrease in the other gang. This downward trend parallels crime statistics; in 2017, there was a simultaneous and substantial crack down by police on vandalism and narcotics, which are two core gang-related activities that threaten public safety and quality of life in these two neighborhoods. Special enforcement units, along with a highly visible police presence in the home territories of gangs in Thousand Oaks appears to have been effective in reducing gang activity and in preventing new gang membership. These are all key predictors of the success of Safe Passage. Further, by enhancing protective factors such as tutoring, mentoring, daily after school activities, and trust in law enforcement within at-risk communities, gang members have been steadily replaced by teachers, college students and police as high-status role models to emulate. Investing in gang prevention is the most cost-effective and sustainable approach to maintaining this remarkable downward trend in the number of gang members, and to weaken the influence that gangs can have in communities
over time.
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