In 2024 we reach 600 kids and as many youth struggle to find a sense of community, Safe Passage is there for them, before, during and after school each day.
Not one child we serve has a Backyard. Each live in overcrowded apartments and condos. Some live in cars parked at shopping centers. Safe Passage has entered the Title-1 K-5th schools and provides lunchtime organized sports with professional instructors. These free lunchtime activities are to provide exercise and the outdoors for children to keep them balanced Mentally and Physically. Having exercise professionals guide the kids in the outdoors is a major STEAMO component.
We believe education is the key to a brighter future. That's why we offer scholarships, after-school programs, and other educational initiatives to help children succeed.
Check out this great video of safe passage kids being mentored by Los Robles doctors, nurses and staff, all while learning outside of a traditional science classroom.
Early and regular exposure to science and technology is an essential piece if we are going to set a pathway for youth to college. This is a Safe Passage Priority to provide science to all children free of charge. We offer free STEAM summer camps for 10 weeks each summer.
Exposure to Preforming and Fine Arts is important to the education of future engineers. We are partnered with Art Trek, an educational non-profit, to teach through innovative means. Our children learn about fractions through Picasso and Dali.
Because nature is mathematical, and all the other elements of S.T.E.A.M.O already have math as a component, we have decided to have our "M' at Safe Passage will be "Medicine."
Medicine? yes, you see, we are blessed to have Los Robles Hospital partner with us and share our dream of engaging future leaders. Los Robles is committed to mentoring our youth and introducing them into the exciting career potential of medicine.