Our free, no hassle, walk in medical clinics are staffed with volunteer Los Robles Hospital Doctors and Nurses and are brought right into the most underserved neighborhoods. A mobile clinic that comes to the patients instead of the reverse. Transportation is a major stumbling block in medical treatment for those living in poverty and Safe Passage breaks the hurdles.
Check out this short video and see why Safe Passage saves lives.
We have reduced gangs by 47% and crime by 49%. We Isolate existing gang members from the micro-community children by building trust between law enforcement, children and families traditionally influenced by gang activity.
Nationwide, approximately nine million at-risk youth will reach age 19 without ever having a mentor. Safe Passage mentors are with each vulnerable child, five-days a week. Leaving no room for gangs to establish influence.
Simply stated, social cohesion matters. The practice of social cohesion is what gangs use to attract youth. Safe Passage community partners replace what the gang provides and deliver a sense of individual, relational and belonging.
The Safe Passage program costs are about $1,250 a year per child. More importantly, a non-Safe Passage youth with six or more gang offenses over his or her lifetime imposes $4.2 to $7.2 million in costs on society and the victims.
Safe Passage is a partnership of organizations, like Los Robles Health System, ART TREK, DISCOVERY CENTER. Each who contribute to the four pillars of SAFETY, LITERACY, MENTORING & COMMUNITY. They organize the day to day programs and activities. They are supported by your generous assistance.