Safe Passage includes an annual “University College Day.” We embark on an even deeper pathway to ensure that our Safe Passage youth are exposed to advanced college level education.
California Lutheran University & Moorpark College are our upper education hosts. Safe Passage collaborates with these schools to teach our kids for an entire day of selected studies at their campuses. This is not a field trip, but actual classes in science, arts, math and literature. The Early Exposure to Higher Education occurs on days when the participants’ three elementary schools are closed. This also allows relief for parents who are often at odds trying to find supervision for their children when school is out of session and the parents are both working.
Safe Passage is founded on the idea that expanding a child’s idea of his or her options for the future guides that child in making choices that improve both his or her individual lives and the community.
The goal is simple. All parents want their kids to have brighter futures, and typically envision their children going to a college. Parents start exposing kids to the premise of higher education as early as first grade. Nevertheless, this is not necessarily the norm in a micro-community largely comprised of working-class families with lower income and lower literacy rates
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Safe Passage kids will have attended a college campus 6 times before attending middle school and will have an opportunity to see professors and college students who look just like them, and who came from their same communities thriving in higher education.
The socialization and influences of college life will be a normative part of the learning environment imprinted on these children annually.